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PDB IDを入力して[OK]ボタンをクリックするとPDBアーカイブのデータをダウンロードして表示します。[1]
[1] Citing the wwPDB and the PDB archive
Reference wwPDB with the URL wwpdb.org and the following citation:
H.M. Berman, K. Henrick, H. Nakamura (2003) Announcing the worldwide Protein Data Bank Nature Structural Biology 10 (12): 980
H.M. Berman, K. Henrick, H.Nakamura, J.L. Markley (2007) The Worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB): Ensuring a single, uniform archive of PDB data Nucleic Acids Res. 35 (Database issue): D301-3
wwPDB consortium. (2019) Protein Data Bank: the single global archive for 3D macromolecular structure data. Nucleic Acids Res 47: D520-D528 doi: 10.1093/nar/gky949
[2] Licence and attribution
Data is available for academic and commercial use, under a CC-BY-4.0 licence.
EMBL-EBI expects attribution (e.g. in publications, services or products) for any of its online services, databases or software in accordance with good scientific practice.
If you make use of an AlphaFold prediction, please cite the following papers:
Jumper, J et al. Highly accurate protein structure prediction with AlphaFold. Nature (2021).
Varadi, M et al. AlphaFold Protein Structure Database: massively expanding the structural coverage of protein-sequence space with high-accuracy models. Nucleic Acids Research (2021).
AlphaFold Data Copyright (2022) DeepMind Technologies Limited.